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Effective Messaging of Prevention Strategies

Wed, Aug 07


This will likely shock you: most prevention messaging encourages expanded and more frequent use of the substance they seek to stop. Find out why, and what you can do to not only correct the angle of approach, but also, deliver a powerful message to make a tangible difference.

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Effective Messaging of Prevention Strategies
Effective Messaging of Prevention Strategies


Aug 07, 2024, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM GMT+2


HOST: Forsyth County Drug Awareness Councia

Get ready to see things differently! Ever wondered how new substances get thier commn names? Have you noticed that use of illicit substances is on the increase? Are you wondering why? In this talk, Dan will be discussing his point of view. Cultivated from a past life as a lobbyist for the illicit drug industry, he will tell you how prevention startegies actually enhance use in many cases. Providing a strong and easy to communicate alternative, Dan will travel across the last decade in a matter of minutes, and you will gain a new insight to ways that will work in your community.

It is hard to tell these days. Dan was once inteviewd by Brian Ross, for a 20/20 piece on synthetic marijuana. As the creator of severl groups to bolster the sales of these products, he was employing a startegy to make the seemingly negative article, the best marketing piece to sell more procudts containing the chemicals. How did he do this, and what could the media have done better? Tune in and find out from a guy who has transformed his life and is not a whistleblower for the good of us all.


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